
N≥245g/ L  Ca≥90g/ L  Mg ≥10g/ L  Compound Sugar Alcohol≥50g/ L  Natural Organic Matter≥50g/ L EDTA -Fe≥20.5g/ L  EDTA -Mn≥20.5g/ L  EDTA -Zn≥20.5g/ L  EDTA -Cu≥20.5g/ L 

Complex B≥20.5g/

Feature: Quick Supplement all nutrients , Improve Quality and Resistance to Diseases and Stress.


1. The multi - element liquid fertilizer produced by organic compound sugar alcohol boiling technology has no hormones and residues , and IS a sate and efficient organic nutrient .

2.Promote the synthesis of chlorophyll effectively , enhance photosynthesis , make the leaves to turn green and thick quickly , shorten the growth cycle of crops , and market earlier ,

3.It is rich in calcium , magnesium , boron , paste , zinc , copper , manganese , molybdenum and other medium and trace elements . lt can effectively prevent physiological diseases caused by element deficiency and improve the quality of crop fruits 

4. Special addition of seaweed extract can enhance the absorption and utilization of nutrients by crops , and improve the resistance to stress .

Usage and dosage:

Foliar spray : Diluted with water 1000-1200 times spray ,8-15 days / time 

Trickle irrigation or broad :2-3L/660m2. Better together with foliar spray